Today took a different turn for DMU Equestrian as two riders went off to compete in the unaffiliated British Dressage Preliminary classes at Witham Villa Riding Centre. Becky Shraga competed in the Prelim 18 with Willow and Jenny Walker in the Prelim 13 with Victor. The class includes the riding school horses from Witham Villa as well as local riders who travel in with their own horses to compete in the classes aswell.
An early start for all taking part as the preparations for dressage are rigorous with lots of plaiting, grooming and tack cleaning to make sure the horses are in tip top condition and look as smart as the riders competing. There was a varying numbers of competitors in each class with junior and senior classes taking place as well as affiliated and British Riding Club riders taking part throughout the day. As a registered British Dressage yard DMU Equestrian are very lucky to be able to compete at Witham Villa and two of our riders used their dressage horses to do their tests.
Becky Shraga and Willow in Prelim 18
Becky Shraga was the first rider for DMU to take part representing the university team in her DMU colours stock on Willow, a striking black Welsh Section D mare who is part of the riding school horses used at Witham. Her Prelim was the 18 test with lots of bending and serpentines to really test the fluidity and accuracy of both horse and rider with a soft contact to be maintained throughout. A lovely accurate test rode by both who are currently preparing for DMU Equestrian B Team home competition in just 3 weeks time at Witham Villa. |
Jenny Walker and Victor in Prelim 13
Jenny Walker competed in the Prelim 13 with Victor, a Dutch Warmblood who has competed in Dressage in Holland. Jenny has rode Victor in various University BUCS competitions and today was her first British Dressage ride on him, a new experience for both parties. As a keen dressage rider, Jenny rode a very positive and accurate test, carrying Victor forward in all paces with a soft contact maintained throughout. This test included a give and re take of the reins as well as quick walk trot transitions meaning a strong forward leg is required to keep the fluidity and consistency within the horse throughout. A surprise was however gained as a result of her hard work and harmony with this charming gelding as she gained a fabulous 66.25% which pushed her to achieve the red ribbon coming first in the class. |
As the last of the British Dressage competitions come to a close, February will see some more of our riders at DMU taking part in the Prelim and Novice classes hoping to gain some more confidence and success to lead into the BUCS season!
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